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Tara Bradford Photography

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« The street where I live | Main | Little Boy Blue »

05 June 2006


Willow Grace

Brilliant haiku and photo accompaniment. Very moving.

ian russell

great haiku - carpe diem? what a lovely photo, nice subject, good range of tones and hues and an excellent composition!


Lovely haiku, great photo.


So much in that "'moment!"
Excellent match between illistration and poetry


On so many levels, your words touch me! This is a lovely poem. I thank you for sharing it! xo


Beautiful Haiku! I checked out the! Thanks for the pictures and history!


love this photo and your poem is such a good reminder to me about time, about cherishing my children's childhood. So glad you shared with us today.


This compact poem evokes a flood of meaning, Tara...the loss of one's own youth, the feelings of your child growing up and leaving home, the general fragility of life..and on and on.

And this to me is the beauty of poetry...that some poems can give meaning that the poet perhaps did not even consciously interject but nevertheless inspires.


Lovely photo, and such true words! Thanks for reminding me once again to be attentive to every moment.


I love this picture and the focused intensity of this child spinning his sailing dream. Beautiful Tara.

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