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« Film noir in the City by the Bay | Main | Mauricio Planel: Bringing the social and political into art »

19 June 2008


A Fanciful Twist

Phenomenal!! I am sooo delighted you shared them and that I didn't miss them!!!!! Thank you Miss Tara!! xoxo

Lynne Rutter

thanks for posting these, tara!
the coit tower murals are the first "sight" i take visitors to san francisco, and it's one of my favorite places. i photographed these murals and a few others around town a few months ago, just haven't had time to do anything with them---
i think it's the 'controversial' content of these murals that make them relevant. these days when an artist gets a public project it's very difficult to get past the design process; it seems mandatory that it be devoid of anything that might be offensive, challenging, or scary, has to include a huge committee's worth of feedback, be inclusive of dozens of ethnicities regardless of the subject, and be created in a non toxic, green, medium (and then coated with graffiti proof gloss varnish.)

Karen DeGroot Carter

Fascinating, Tara! Thanks so much! K.


I love these murals, for they captured the essence of the place and time, and the work of the people.

I agree with Christine, who said they reminded her of Diego Rivera, who did wonderful murals of the assembly lines in Detroit (my husband has prints of these in his office).

Your photographs are marvelous!

Laura Benedict

Amazing. Beautifully photographed, Tara.


I'm behind (way behind) on blog visiting, but I couldn't agree more with your posts above and had to comment that these are the most magnificent images. I've seen Coit only from the outside. Next time I hit the city by the Bay, I'm going in!

studio wellspring

gorgeous job, darling! i love coit tower and these are some really incredible photos. xxoo, a


Oh, thank you so much for posting these! I'm going to spend lots of time examining and enjoying each one. Your trip must have been fantastic.


Thank you for posting this Tara. The Coit Tower is a landmark within my memory. I've never seen this mural before. I do see the Diego influence! Thank your for taking the time to sharing this.
It means a lot to me.
Hope you are well today!
Getting ready for a wedding! ;-)

Di Overton

Wow these murals are stunning. How wonderful they have been so well preserved.
My Ghost pics are my my blog love to know what you think - a much valued opinion from the Queen on photography :)


I haven't been to Coit Tower ... yet. Thanks for sharing these paintings. They're wonderful.


Wonderful photography and narrative, Tara!
Some of those headlines and messages in the art, almost send shivers - they're eerily reminiscent (or should I say 'prescient?') of the times we're living in now...But, perhaps it's only, the more things change, the more they stay the same?
I'm glad these murals weren't censored, and have survived the years. Thank you for sharing them!

Octavine Illustration

beautiful photos. the murals capture such a slice of 1930s life. most inspiring.


I loved them all, the grape harvest especially.
I'll bet you miss it there already!


Tara, you did such an awesome job of photographing these murals. I never had any interest at all in Coit Tower until I moved here. Now it's one of my favorite places in the city.

There is a gorgeous Diego Rivera mural in the City Club on Sansome. Have you seen it? If not, for the next trip here...


Tara your photographs of this mural are incredible!!!


Wow, I thought, these artists sure seemed to be inspired by Diego Rivera. Subject matter and approach, both. A quick check (ahh, the internet!) and it turns out Rivera painted several "significant" murals in San Francisco in 1930 -- just in time to influence these men. :)

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