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Tara Bradford Photography

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23 March 2009


Tanya Bond

Fantastic views! I wish I lived there...

Mélanie Aussandon

Love your pics ! I've never been to Bois de Boulogne, now be sure I would stop there ...


I loved the afternoon my husband and I spent bicycling in the Bois, only seeing a fraction of it.

Your photographs are like a story book, lush and almost fantastical.

Tara Bradford

Thank you very much, Robin! It's a good time of year to capture these images in the Bois. In the winter, it's all fairly dull and grey.

Tara Bradford

Susanna, thank you for the encouraging words!

Robin Laws

i am with gillian (sans the swearing since she already covered those expletives:) these are soo wonderful! they are just bigger than life and the colors, the setting..sigh i would love to see that view of the moat with my own two eyes...and camera! these are very professional. bravo!


Your images and words inspire me creatively and bring peace and joy to my days.
Thank you Tara!

Tara Bradford

Nancy, thank you so much! It will be great to see you here next year. xoxox

Nancy Sotham

Oh Tara! Your photos are so beautiful. Looking at them makes my heart soar. They are gorgeous! Sigh......I miss that amazing city that you call home. (We're planning our next trip in 2010. See you then!)

Tara Bradford

Relyn, thank you so much! Your kudos are much appreciated.

Tara Bradford

Jeanie, so good to hear from you; glad you're doing well after your surgery. The Bois is right across the street from my apartment, on the Western edge of Paris. If you have time, I'll take you there. Thanks for your lovely compliments about the photos!

Tara Bradford

Thank you, dear peasant girl. I'm still learning, but am having fun figuring out some of the camera's tricks. Yes, waiting for that day when the planets align just so! Love to you, too! xoxox

Tara Bradford

Rebecca, thank you. And you are very much in my thoughts and prayers. xo

Tara Bradford

Jan, so nice of you to stop by. Thanks for the kind words.

Tara Bradford

Well it was fun, except for carrying the heavy gear. :) Thanks for the kind words. xoxox

Tara Bradford

Coming from you, that's quite a compliment. Merci! xo

Tara Bradford

Constance, I appreciate the kudos! But I'm still figuring out the camera's technical capabilities; I have a steep learning curve ahead. xoxox

Tara Bradford

Dawn, thank you so much. I hope you get to visit the Bois someday.


It doesn't even look real, it's so beautiful. Do real people actually live like that? Did they, I guess is a better question. Man!!!!!! Gorgeous photography, really, really beautiful.

Tara Bradford

Why yes we do! I'd rather be near your park with the windmill, at the moment! Thanks for the props.

Tara Bradford

Thank you! But I expect you can; as you know, much of it is a matter of practice and becoming familiar with the technical bells and whistles - something I'm still figuring out. My only complaint about the A900 is how heavy it is, particularly with a Zeiss lens, the vertical grip and the flash. My Sony A350 (which I adore, especially the live view) feels light as a feather, in comparison.


Oh, Tara, it's so beautiful. These are so very beautiful. And so I will be there -- well, maybe not THERE -- I'm not sure where Bois de Bologne is -- but closer than I am now! Counting down to June!

I've tried to get in and the computer, being rather slow, has been keeping me out, but I'm glad I finally landed. Still off on medical leave and dutifully doing my therapy to get me in gear for travel!

These really are stunning. Thank you for taking me away from gloomy Michigan and into your world today!


24.6 megapixels is serious! I shoot with a sony with a zeiss lens too, but mine is just an elaborate point-and-shoot. Now if I could only shoot like you...

Gillian daSilva

Your photography knows no limits.
Holy shit Tara. Seriously.
Bloody gorgeous!!!

Sorry for swearing. I'm a peasant sometimes, I cannot elp meself.
Wish I had been strolling with you! Maybe when the planets align just so again.
Love to you and your gorgeous photography!!!!


i would love to be there. love the banner it is so my color...if you have any extra prayers please send them my way...blessings, rebecca

Tara Bradford

Merci bien, mon ami. xo


Hello came via Di of DB
Beautiful work!


Oh, how lovely! Like a fairytale...
What fun you must have had, strolling through there! xo


Congrats. These are beautiful!


Oh my!! Looks like you've been to heaven! Thank you for sharing your world with us here Tara! Di linked you today and she is right, you really do take the best photographs!
I too congratulate you on your new gear. When I grow up, I'm going to get a better camera!!



This is the most wondrous place, Tara. Your photos are so well done. They make me wish I could step through and visit the place today.


Just think, we both live near parks that have windmills in them. ;-)

These photos are gorgeous. Congratulations on all of the new gear.


Tara these images are worthy of a fairytale! Gorgeous photography what a place to visit!! Certainly a wonderful walk with Nature! hugs from AZ naturegirl


The Bois was never so beautiful.... ;)

Tara Bradford

Thank you so much! Very kind of you.

Tara Bradford

Thank you, Rosemary. Do come and visit! I live just across the street. xo

Tara Bradford

Scotty, thanks for the kudos. Yes, you should visit the Bois de Boulogne when you can - just not in winter, as it's rather bleak and grey then.

Tara Bradford

Absolutely! Thanks so much, Debra.

Tara Bradford

Muchas gracias, Yoli! The Bois can be very beautiful, although rather bleak in winter.

Tara Bradford

Thanks, dearest Am. Wish I'd had this camera w/ me in San Francisco. Next trip! xo

Tara Bradford

Thanks for the lovely compliment, Sue!

Tara Bradford

Oh thank you, Helen! It's not quite as spring-like as it looks in the photos, though. Although if the winds would calm down, it probably would feel warmer. Hope you see a glimmer of spring soon - I guess you still have snow, with 21F?

Tara Bradford

Thank you, Christina! This particular camera has some challenging features that I'm still figuring out. But I love it (except that it's heavy. And I walked for three miles with it, while taking these photos. :) xo

Tara Bradford

Thanks, Di. This particular camera is great at capturing the detail. I'm still learning all its tricks. I appreciate the nod! xoxox


Beautious!!! These are wonderful.

Tara Bradford

Thank you so much! I am having fun experimenting with the camera.

Tara Bradford

Merci bien! These photos are with the aid of the sharp (24.60 megapixel) SonyA900 and a brilliant Carl Zeiss wide-angle zoom lens.


My, my, my! These are so beautiful. Are these taken with your new lens? So sharp! Beautiful colors


Breathtaking photos and scenes! It isn't quite spring here yet. It's only 21F here this morning so I am really longing for spring and its pastel and subtle colors. These photos are wonderful.


Seriously, you are rockin that camera! : ) These are enchanting! Yes, enchanting!

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