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06 March 2009


My Melange

Fun post Tara. When we were in Paris the last time, we witnessed a photo shoot with a model outside a cute little bistro. It was fun and drew quite a crowd!! We had been planning on eating at the place and had to come back another night.

Di Overton

That guy looking at you in the first pic looks like David. I was in New York when Goldie Hawn was filming, fascinating stuff though I was an extra once on a big movie as a favour to a friend who was the locations manager it was the most boring few days of my life, much better to watch than be part of.


The bikes are to die for! ; ) I am looking at the hats on their heads. I even spotted a few scarves. My two favorite accessories to wear.

Tara Bradford

Somebody should have told her no wearing white shoes after Labor Day or before Easter! :) xo


Wonderful images. I agree with Stephanie, do let us know if and when you discover which film that was.


What fun to stumble upon this! You'll have to let us know if you find out what the film is...



Those shoes :) It was a grand day out, nice capture.


So interesting - especially re the shoes! Hope you and Di have / had a great time together.

Tara Bradford

Isn't it a great car? There were two similar ones around the corner, viewed from another angle.

Tara Bradford

To look at the bike, it seems like fun. To ride it, apparently not so much. :)

Tara Bradford

Thank you Rebekah. I think they refer to that bike as the "bone-cruncher." :)

Tara Bradford

Helen, you should post those photos. That must have been so much fun! Lucky, lucky lady!


Love this! A few years ago I wandered into the latest Indiana Jones movie being made on and near the Yale Campus. Went back every day for a week.

The cast stayed in their vintage clothes all week and nearby storefronts were turned to the 1950's storefronts. The vintage vehicles were moved every day for various shots and walking through New Haven at night was one big party. I took many photos.

Movie making is magic! Thanks for the photos!


This is so cool, Tara.


thanks for the great photos


Very cool pictures - whatever camera your eyes used to see through! Thanks for taking us along on your adventure. I agree with Dutchbaby, the British bike is such a treat to see.


What a fun scene to stumble across. I love the car.


That's exciting!


What fun! Pocket camera is better than no camera. I'm sure glad you had it with you. The bicycle with the steering wheel is a scream.

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