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  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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« An afternoon in the Bois de Boulogne | Main | How green is the valley »

11 April 2009



i already said so on flickr, but i really love that top's just brilliant that he's completely airborne (or is it she?). :-) gorgeous.

Di Overton

Was that your horse that's flying and id it win????


Lovely shot!


This is so amazing! Hubby flipped over your pic, as he stood behind me. Hee. The horses literally of the ground.


Happy Easter times Tara.


Tara: wishing you and David a blessed Easter weekend hugs the Hogies

Gillian daSilva

Hello gorgeous :)
Thanks for the action filled photos here. The next best thing to being there is being here, at your blog space.
Operation Egg is about to commence, so I must go. Enjoy your Parisienne Easter, mon ami!

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