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19 February 2010



Well, this stinks!


Years ago, my husband was traveling in S. America and had the same experience. He took his camera and was busy shooting things about town he found interesting. Poof! No more photos! I don't remember what country it was in now, but I know it was over 20 yrs ago. Of course, seems to me there was also an article in Life Magazine at the time, about hotel rooms in that country being bugged also. Sad state of affairs.


I would say the world has gotten a bit too controlling and crazy. Where are the days of freedom and flowers?

Crafty Green poet

its ridiculous...


Yeah, I don't get this either. The first part, the idea that someone can use another's artwork or photography if they can't find them after a "suitably negligent search" (what does that mean exactly? Who sets the perimeters for a proper search?) raises eyebrows...and unfortunately sounds alot like the proposed Orphan Art Act in the United States. When you read the letters by those who propose the act, its obvious that they are thinking of the rights of corporations before the rights of the individuals who took the time to make the art in the first place.

As for the police stopping people from taking photographs in public places... Again, it sounds like the law they brought into New York regarding photography in places like Times Square. I can understand the need to be safe and alert to suspicious activity but at the same time, when does it become downright ridiculous?

Good post, Tara.


Thank you Tara for the information.
Hope you will have a wonderful trip!
Be safe!!



What is the logic to this bill? I don't quite see its goal.

Tara Bradford

Gillian, if the misguided bill becomes law, it's certain to be challenged in court. The bill's dictates are just wrong, on so many levels.

On a brighter note, see you soon!

Gillian soon to be in Petra!

I always thought of the UK as a progressive country but not in this regard, this seems to be a big step backward. Is it an attempt at National Security? Makes you wonder the motivations behind it.
Also, aren't photos intellectual property? There are existing laws to protect artistic creations.



What?! That is the craziest thing I ever heard.


Mary H.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel at times that human beings are breeding common sense out of people?


Incredibly disheartening....


Good grief. Now you'll have to start carrying your resume or portfolio with you everytime you go shoot something. What IS it with this world, anyway?

Mlle Paradis

It's a world gone mad. Thanks for the heads up.

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