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  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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21 April 2010



Your new website is gorgeous, Tara! Looks like you have been even busier than ever. Hope you had a lovely trip, a very happy Mother's Day and a wonderful anniversary! xoxo


Your photography site is fabulous. I absolutely love the portraits of the Bedouin women.

JanePoet ~ JP/deb

This photo is lovely - I'm so glad that photography has opened up your world and you have opened ours with your images. The new site is amazing. xx, d


I'm off to visit. Congratulations!


Just looked!!

Your site looks Terrific, Tara!!



Congratulations Tara,
On the launch of your new website!! I'm glad you get to learn and tell the stories of others with your photography. That way we all benefit! Have a great Sunday.



Wonderful!! Your photographs are always stunning and how perfect to have a website devoted to them.

I just watched Queen Rania on Oprah and thought of you and your trip to you know her?

Nancy Sotham

Congratulations, Tara! The new website is beautiful, as are your photos. Well done!


Your photography web site is stunning!!!! Really impressive! It was worth the wait.


Yay! I'm off to explore now. So excited!


Love the new site! Happily, unlik Flickr the local censors don't block it, hooray! You are marvelously talented, m'dear.


I am very much looking forward to checking out your new website. Congratulations. Nice photo.


The new site is beautiful!!


Congratulations! The website is gorgeous, the photos are gorgeous ... all the best of luck to you.


The site is beautiful Tara! Congratulations. Beautiful design, easy to navigate and stylish like YOU!
I love it.

Can't wait to see it grow and evolve with all of your excellent photography.


Congratulations, Tara! The site looks lovely xo


A beautiful website. Yes, it is easy to navigate; but the pictures are spectacular. I love seeing the faces of the women and children. You have an artists eye for sure! I wish you much success in all the endeavors of your heart.


Great photo; have always loved photos of hands. Best of success in your endeavors and to this gentleman's foundation for Bedouin children.

Mary H.

The photography site is BRILLANT! I, of course, will spend many an hour seeing the world through the lens of Ms. Tara B. whilst I should be tending to other matters. The design is classic and classy, and the photos are incredible. I am so happy for you, Tara. To be able to showcase your work must be so gratifying for you. Congratulations and continued success in your endeavors. Of couse, as long as you continue to blog your readers win as well, n'est pas?


Your new web site looks great! It is an easy to navigate design and shows off the photograpy well.

As for the above photo, I cannot help but think about what stories a man with hands like this could tell. Although his face is not present in the photo, one can visualize the lined and weathered skin-- and the wisdom and aging that comes with living life in the desert.

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