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Tara Bradford Photography

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« Divine design | Main | Moonlight on a fair summer's eve »

06 August 2010



I think we all have pictures of that pink house, it was striking and brave. Thank you for inspiring me to come to Jordan, turns out it was the beginning of a whole new chapter for me.


Yes, thanks for the reminder to dare to be different. Love the pink house in amongst the neutral colors.

Mary H.

Wonderful post, per usual, Tara. While not a big fan of the color pink, it really rocks this photo!

keiths ramblings

I was wondering what to do this weekend. I still don't know but I think it'll be something different!Good idea.


this post reminded me of Christo and Jeanne-Claude who dared to be different in this work -

i'll definitely do something different today. i shall not cease.

have a great weekend, Tara :)

Beth Evans-Ramos

Love the pink house and what it represents!

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