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Tara Bradford Photography

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06 November 2010



Fascinating! You had to have been in your element! Sounds like just a wonderful event!


How fascinating! I love all things photography. Lovin' that Leica piece!!!


Just yesterday I was thinking that many photographers were men. My husband considered himself the family photographer until I started taking pictures a few years ago. It was difficult for him to give that image up. This show looks like it would have been a fun one to attend. I would have had camera/lens envy big time. This weekend my half sister gave me her mothers old Brownie. I look forward to playing with it.


great shots, I had to laugh when I saw all the men fascinated with the big lenses. Men love those lenses!! x


Great photos! I see none of the aberrations that reviewers claimed against the Nex. That is really good to see!

a fanciful twist

Fantastic! I love anything regarding photography, and to see people at work is super interesting to me. Imagine how delicious to have all of those lenses and tools?? YUMM!

Thank you for the trip there, via the comfort of my home ;)

Love, V xoxxx

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