Watching the world go by, Delft, Holland.
I could not believe my eyes when I read President Barack Obama has caved to the Party of No's demands to extend Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. This from the president who has long opposed tax cuts that favour the rich, repeatedly insisting such a cynical measure was his "line in the sand."
The President now claims that "compromise" is necessary to further extend benefits for the unemployed and provide more tax cuts for middle class Americans. In return for protecting their deep pockets, the Republicans agreed to pass legislation granting such concessions to benefit ordinary Americans.
"...And no one was angry enough to speak out." - Inscription found on one of the Pyramids, Giza, Egypt.
But did John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and their GOP colleagues care about the unemployed and middle class? No. The GOP signed a letter actually refusing to legislate an unemployment benefit extension unless their demands continuing tax cuts for one percent of wealthiest Americans were met.
Why do any of these obstructionists still have a job??!! Seems the Republicans of 2010 would prefer the United States be run like a Russian oligarchy, rewarding their rich cronies and caring little about solving serious problems or righting imbalances for the rest of us.
As The New York Times wrote in an editorial, "President Obama's deal with the Republicans to extend all the Bush-era income tax cuts is a win for the Republicans and their strategy of obstructionism and a disappointing retreat by the White House."
Read this and weep: The party of the rich, by the rich, for the rich
Party time for Bush and Cheney
First look at Obama's tax cut deal
Wanted: A Democratic tax cut backbone
Did Obama make tax cuts for the rich permanent?
Bernie Sanders says he will to try to block tax deal
GOP senator to vote against extending tax cuts for wealthy
Steny Hoyer: Tax cuts for wealthy are ransom
Obama's tax cut plan upsets many major donors