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« Look again | Main | Joyeux Noël et bonne année »

22 December 2010



Tara, I loved watching all the shop windows at Le Printemps ! And I loved having another watch through your blog !!!
Thank you !

Randy Arnold

What a treat this Christmas morning Tara . . . thanks for being my Santa. I can't thank you enough for inspiring me!


I'm swept away by your magical images, Tara.
Fantastic is an understatement. xoxo
Merry Christmas!


Am in love with the pony with the beaded mane and the tattooed busts. Thank you for this bit of visual excitement and happy holidays, Tara!

martha ann

beautiful... makes me want to be there.....merry merry

Elsie Anderton

Oh Tara, why can't I spend Christmas among these glorious things? x

Allegra Smith

Hello my dear,

This are without a shadow of a doubt the most exquisite shots related to Christmas anywhere. I asked Barry to come and look at them without saying anything else and he said "those are Tara's, right?" There you have it, your style is not only tres chic but only yours.

Joyeux Nöel to you and David, Jordana and the rest of the family.
Much love from both of us.


Tara, my friend. With travel, holidays and catch up, I've been a poor visitor. I look forward to slipping into your blog like a comfy, beautiful place over the holiday and catch up on things. Until then, I smile at memories of Printemps and send you warm wishes during your cold winter for a beautiful and happy Christmas -- your last in Paris? Savor every second!

Many hugs, and much joy, to both you and David.

Marilyn Miller

Oh the colors and elegance do enchant me. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and filling our minds with these images


Nevermind. I'm speechless.


So lush! Beautiful!


Lovely... all around. Wish I was there to see it in person.


such good eye candy!


So beautiful....and so different from my reality here in the desert...seems like a dream! The peacocks are my if they need more jewels!I always love seeing things from your perspective! Happy Solstice my dear wishes for a lovely new year...smooches


Exceptionally wonderful windows at Printemps! Thanks for sharing.

I went to NYC recently for the day and was surprised that there was very little decoration in most stores--and many repeating the same ornaments from years past. The stores were sparsely populated with shoppers and filled with piles and piles of merchandise--all on sale. The only exception was Anthropolgie and Saks which had outstanding and wonderful windows.

Think this will be a different kind of Christmas here in the states...somewhat subdued and low key.


Absolutely fabulous!

Mary H.

I must agree with Di Overton. I will just park myself here and savor the images!

Di Overton

Check Back? I am just going to live here. Fantastic images my friend. xx

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