
C'est moi.

  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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  • "A poet's work is to name the unnameable; to point at frauds; to take sides; start arguments; shape the world and stop it from going to sleep." - Salman Rushdie


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19 April 2011



Tara, this is all lovely!

how fun to bird with David! share secrets and mischievous tricks!


I'm not sure how I found your blog but I'm glad I did. Lovely Pics. When I start a photography blog, I'll be sure to add your blog :)
Have a great weekend.


Baby Joseph is one cute little pumpkin! Sounds like a wonderful time!

Di Overton

Ah bless him he is gorgeous. Aren't they a tonic? Will email you later today with an update on things here.

Mary H.

I believe Mr. Joseph will be breaking more than one heart in his travels...what a little charmer! These photos and glimpses into your life are such fun, Tara. Thank you.

PS-the Netherlands is proving to be so much more than I ever thought it was. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen your photos.


isn't it amazing how children will look you right in the eye like they know you know what and how much they are. I always see that and say a silent prayer of hope that they never forget that. I also always hope the rest of us will remember it.

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