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22 April 2011



We have as much of it as we could afford, and love it! Want some of the old stuff some day...

Michelle French

I had 40 place settings plus all sorts of serving trays, bakeware, mugs, and other serving bits. I meant to bring over an egg plate for you, but my Fiestaware paid my last year's rent in Atlanta before I moved to London. I brought over one plum disk pitcher that a friend gave me after all of the other was gone. It made me happy to throw parties and use every piece. But it makes me happier to be in London and live in a tiny cottage where people dance.

JanePoet ~ Deborah

Those colours are positively inspiring! I wouldn't get rid of a single piece either :)


I love the yellow teapot in that bottom kitchen, what a lovely shape and colour. I don't think Fiesta ware ever really made it to New Zealand, but I do have a Royal Doulton dinnerset, that started with a wedding gift, and then I kept adding bits to it.
Sadly, a few pieces were broken in the earthquake, but someone pointed me to a great website which is really good for locating replacement pieces. I don't know if they have Fiesta ware though.

Mary H.

Had to smile when I saw the photo. I used to have stacks of Vernon Kilns Early California dinnerware. Love the colors of the vintage dinnerware. I cannot imagine losing my collection of McCoy and vintage white pottery vases. Most of the fun with these collections for me, anyway, is the hunt. The trips and travels can turn into such adventures.

Elizabeth Rhiannon

Sick about your McCoy collection...but wow! What a Fiestaware collection to make up for it! Beautiful...


I think it is lovely and I am glad they make you happy. That is the only reason to keep a possession for a lifetime.


I have "the boat china". Really the pattern is Hull Brown Drip. The dishes were used on board my Aunt and Uncle's small boat when I was a kid. When Aunty asked a few years ago if I'd like them, I practically ran to her house. The other household china is Portmerion Botanic Garden. For special birthdays etc. Grandmother's green Mirror Optic depression glass plates are used.


Mmmm I love it! I don't have any but I'll look for some, it is cheery and there are so many colours in my house it would fit right in. :)Yes, you could host a wedding with all the servings you own. xo

Tracy Rowan

I am so with you on this. I love the stuff!

Sheris White

My mother had fiesta ware but it gradually disappeared with all the moving we did. I only have a few things left of hers, a rolling pin with green handles and some pyrex mixing bowls.

My daughter has a Clarice Cliff plate with crocuses, that she bought in 2000 when she was living in Southampton.

I try not to collect anything any more, except grandchildren.

Tara Bradford

Fiona, I found my kitschy Corona tray in London. I had white plates with the aforementioned boyfriend, so wanted a complete contrast when I left. Not really a fan of Clarice Cliff, other than a few of the Art Deco pieces.


Bizarrely enough, I that exact same Corona tray, bought in a great kitschy kitchen shop in Amsterdam a few years ago. I love your brightly coloured plates, but I'm afraid I stick with boring plain white too, mainly because I'd rather they were inexpensive to replace where neccessary (small children=inevitable breakages). Anyway, your collection is wonderfully bright and colourful. Do you like Clarice Cliff?


My younger sister loves Fiesta ware so if it ever comes up missing, I'll give you her address. It might be a good place to start the search.
I myself love plain white dinner plates, particularly so when brilliant people who work in places that know from well prepared food will wash them for me.

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