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  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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« Ode to London's South Bank | Main | Eclectic style »

29 June 2011



Definitely create a stir and we will wait to hear all about it. Great photo!

Hi - just found your site and am loving it. Let's hope we hear the whispers of a thousand little girls.


Love that quote - have twittered it (with attribution of course).

Mary H.

Stir away, Tara...we shall wait for your posts. Do the mythical beasts have a name? Is there a site I could visit to learn the legend behind them? I think they are absolutely grand!


Interesting proverb. Does it mean girls were important once upon a time? And why are they less important now?

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