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17 June 2011


Tara Bradford

Michelle, I thought about you, but simply didn't have a chance to arrange to get together. Next time, will try to plan something in advance.

Michelle French

Doggonit Tara, you were in the neighborhood for my birthday and I didn't know it. You could have come to my party. My best friend who moved here as well last year, lives just across the park from Gabriel's Wharf so I've spent even more time than normal there.


Love them's been a while since I've been to London.. this certainly is a GOOD invitation :-) Ciao Tara... beauty pics!
(come to Florence!!)


It looks like a terrific visit -- as I would expect from your wonderful photos. You manage to catch all the life and energy, all the colors and shapes of a place. This is no exception!


Loved seeing London through your camera's eye. I was in London such a short time, I think I need to return sometime and take more of it into my heart.


Lovely! Every single one. I automatically thought of Eastenders when I saw The Eye. LOL!


Love Actually---a perennial favo(u)rite. How wonderful. Love the little beach huts and Big Ben, especially is a stunner. Well done, you. Have some fish and chips (with vinegar -yum!) for me!


Tara stunning images, and some are so fun and colorful!! Great photography!

Art by Karena

Come and join my Giveaway from the Novica Artisans!

Tara Bradford

Carole, thank you for the lovely comments about my blog. Hope your show goes well!

Tara Bradford

Thanks Karen. I forgot you are in London - hope we can meet during my next trip.

Karen @PasGrand-Chose

Love these images! The South Bank is always full of life and fun to visit. I look forward to seeing more of your trip to London - it's always interesting to see the city you live in through another person's eyes.

Carole Mayne

Hi Tara,
I just had a ''good'' cry looking through your images in your art/antiques blogs.. Living in the cultural desert on the west coast of the US, I am resuscitated by your eye for beauty and the energy in long-loved things. Thank you for giving me a virtual tour. I'm painting for a show next week, "Let Them Eat Cake'' so have been digging into all things Marie Antoinette inspired! Cheers, Carole


All of your photographs are amazing but that first shot is astonishing. Hang on to it as it is quite a record of the changing skyline!


I love these pictures they paint a sunnier picture of England than I had imagined. So glad you had a nice visit back to your old home. xoxo

Elsie Anderton

i need ALL of those beach huts for my garden. I still haven't painted mine - I think you've just inspired me!

Mary H.

I can feel the energy of the city in your photos, Tara. Someday I hope to experience your wonderful views of Europe for myself.
Meanwhile, thank you and keep sharing, OK?

ally bean

Your photos are stunning in their clarity and focus. Wonderful.

I haven't been to London in 20 years. It looks so different to me. Very invitingly different.

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