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« Lavender blue | Main | Sunflowers needed »

08 August 2011


Tara Bradford

Mary, I appreciate your supportive comments! Thanks for reading.

Tara Bradford

Marilyn, thank you! I appreciate the kind words. xx

Tara Bradford

Jennifer, what timing! I am a big fan of Anne Lamott's books.

Tara Bradford

Vanessa, thank you - and much love to you, too! xoxox

Tara Bradford

Thank you Natalie! It took a few tries in the rain to get the proper balance of light and dark. :)


Gorgeous quote and so, so true. Love the photo of the contrast between light and dark.


I was just about to reach for my book to finish the last few essays in Traveling Mercies but decided to catch up on some blog posts instead. Imagine my surprise when I saw the lily pads and thought of the same quote! Great quote, great read.

Mary H.

Tara, the words you share with us are always eloquent. And more often than not, wise and true.


The contast between the darkness and the brilliant white of the lily flower, astoundingly beautiful! Not easy to capture either. Well done, you!


Amazing prose, so moving!!


Art by Karena

a fanciful twist

Gasp worthy beautiful words..... Love to beautiful you! xoxox

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