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10 September 2011



Tara Tara! Happy belated birthday!
I forgot we are sister Virgos. I hope you had an amazing and wonderful time. I can't wait to see you again!

Westlander Poetry (Deborah Smith)

Keep searching for those doors and opportunities. Happiest birthday wishes, Tara.


Mary Jane

Happy Birthday, Tara. Beautiful photo, and I love the Rumi poem.


Happy Birthday my lovely friend...smooches


Tara, Happy Birthday! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.
A great day to celebrate --my daughter's birthday too!

Today, the anniversary of the Trade Center tragedy, I'm going to walk the dog and really just send good thoughts to all the people still grieving.
Oddly, when I look South, I still see the ghost of the towers.
All best wishes.


Happy birthday, Tara! I love the imagery of these words (and that door is breathtaking). I wish you years of blessings dropping like blossoms and fascinating new doors to open!


Happy Birthday Tara.


Happy birthday Tara! :D It's been a couple of years since i first read your blog, and i want you to know that your blog is still one of my constant reads. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and passion to the world. You inspire me!

Godbless you always! Wish you good health and more bliss!

your friend from across the pacific ;)


Happy birthday and van harte gefeliciteerd Tara I love doors You never know what's behind it and this one is a very beautiful one. Rumi's words are full of wisdom and beauty

Mary H.

Brilliant post and the colors are so vivid. Happy Birthday, Tara!
Thank you for another year of the priceless Paris Parfait.


Happy, happy birthday fellow Virgo!!! This is what I love about Rumi, that call for ... wholeheartedness ... no half-measures will do. I can tell Rumi isn't just words for you!


Oh the photo and the colors are magnificent. It's your birthday? Have a totally delightful birthday, celebrate fully!


Thank you Tara for this thought provoking post. What a lovely door, what wise words.

Happy Birthday!

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