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Tara Bradford Photography

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« Dancing in Delft | Main | New York memories »

05 September 2011



Wow. So fun. So many lovely things going on every day all over.


Gorgeous English summer images. And how lucky you were to catch those few days of lovely weather before the torrential rains on Sunday!


I see you were in Guildford. I live a stone's throw from Guildford -- except I was in France for a long weekend! We had a fantastic time and now I'm back in England... feeling the post-holiday blues.

Oh - and canal boats! Love them. Husband doesn't, though.


Sweet little cherub. How special to have time with him and walk along the canal. I was just looking at a magazine from the UK and saw a canal boat with a tearoom on it. Now I would love that.


{{ how can
'''A certain adorable cherub'''
already know how to Flirt
with a camera?


we are all born
to smile
at the world.}}

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