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03 December 2011



Absolutely fascinating. Old, beautiful books are beyond value.


Tara, these are stunning. I didn't realize you had such a beautiful and special collection. I still haven't gone Kindle, but when I do, I know I'll never be able to forsake the joy of turning a page. And when they are filled with the energy of someone having done that before in the book's previous life, all the better. I'll look forward to linking to your article. That's my kind of thing.

Jordan Drew

Perhaps I am rare in my generation but I love having books around me. Problem is I so rarely read them. Never-the-less I habitually but them. I recently started a personal policy that I wont buy a book unless it is autographed, which stops me from buying a lot of junk I would otherwise clutter my life with.

I find I read much faster when I am reading on a screen than when reading on paper, to the point that I adamantly refuse to read anything in a print newspaper.

You might enjoy this article on crack, although as a lover of old books you might scream a little.


Tara these are truly incredible; thank you so much for sharing!

Please Come and enter in Our 12 Days of Holiday Giveaways. There are so many exciting & special Gifts! (Some are international)


Art by Karena


Oh the beauty of fine old books! I love to read old books, the smell and feel of the papers, wondering how many people over the years have read and enjoyed this same book.

Mary H.

I long ago quit making excuses for all the books in my home. The examples shown here are incredible, truly beautiful. I am a rabid William Morris fan and the Honeysuckle pattern on the cover of the last book is so neat! I read a quote from a magazine once I will paraphrase: I have done my job as a parent if my child's idea of redecorating means adding more bookcases. I whole heartily agree.


These books are just gorgeous! There definitely is something special about holding a book in hand.

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