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  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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« Fading beauty | Main | Moving house »

19 January 2012



I love your eye for detail and color and know that you will "choose wisely" the colors for your new home. Best wishes on your travels and your move. You will be the expert!



I love the colours in the shots! Did you use a filter??


All these colors make me smile! And as always, your photos are beautiful!


All so unique. Love the turquoise wall!


I love the optimist living in that last picture. Good luck picking colors. That sometimes can be sooooo very tricky. We need to paint the outside of our house and cannot find the exact, right colors. We are getting close, but you would laugh on one side of our house is a patchwork of colors being tested. I carry swatches in my purse and need to go to the paint store again for more samples. It is also fun to pick color and put paint up, everything feels so fresh with a new coat of paint. Enjoy!

aidan larson (@conjirregverbs)

lovely photos. the woodwork on the first two windows is beautiful even if it looks like mater's teeth in spots. the human spirit and its ability to find and make beauty where there could easily be none amazes me.


Remarkable shots as usual, Tara!

Deborah Beau


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