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Tara Bradford Photography

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« Ode to New Orleans: Happy Mardi Gras! | Main | A familar sight »

26 February 2012



ooh, I must see that movie again.
'Your pictures of the Eiffel Tower in the next post are so sweet it almost makes me cry. I miss it! And would love to see you there again!! I have your lovely gift of the figures prominently displayed to remind us.


I love that film too & yes, whenever I see a red-capped garden gnome I think of it.


You always give me such a smile with the peeks you provide into other places, other lives. Thanks, friend.


Safe travels! Love the gnomes. Who doesn't love those little fellers?!


Sweet garden gnomes! Hope your trip to Paris is going wonderfully! Happy travels.


They are enchanting! Have a glorious time!


Looks as if you made it out of town and off to Paris! Enjoy the stay!

I leave this link. I thought it might interest you:


It was nice chatting with you during the ride to Paris, Tara. And now I am admiring your site and all your beautiful pictures. I'll come back here!

aidan larson (@conjirregverbs)

have a wonderful time. I hope it warms up for you and can't wait to see the photos.
safe travels,


Love these little gnomes. It looks a little snow white and seven dwarfs to me!

Allegra S.

Safe journey, my friend. I hope for your sake that there will be no strikes, none while you are bound for Paris or during the time you plan to return. Photos aplenty, please? Feeling a bit nostalgic these days about the city, the people, the croissants...:)

Mary H.

Safe (and sane!) travels, Tara. Am looking forward to your photos and updates.

Will @ Bright.Bazaar

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you re: the train strike! Have fun in Paris!


Oh, lucky you! We're about three weeks beind you on our way to Paris so I'll be loving your photos and tweets from there.

Cheers and happy travels.

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