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  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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« Amidst decay, new beginnings | Main | Aging beauty in the city that inspired Les Miserables »

09 April 2012



Just lovely. Am admiring your blue apothecary jar. I have a small collection of them but have never come across one that colour.

Tara Bradford

Hi Charles - It's one of a few bookcases and yes, a hardcover copy. The book w/ 5 painted on the spine and cover is an old book decorated by Noel Solomon (5 is my lucky number; I also have a book w/ 7 on the cover). And the linen upholstered chair is in the bedroom on the top floor (which still is a work-in-progress).

Charles Robert Baker

I am always drawn to other people's bookcases when visiting a home. Is that a hardcover copy of White's The Flaneur? And what is the book with the large 5 on the spine and cover. One more question: what became of the linen upholstered arm chair I covet? Do you remember the one I mean?



these vignettes exude calm ... lovely!


How fun to see these first peeks. Love the bunny. A turquoise typewriter, how special.

Mary H.

Just a hint of the pictures of your "space" look wonderful!

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