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Tara Bradford Photography

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« Where Women Create | Main | Gazing balls »

21 May 2012


Tony Geotog

You have a good eye for this. The boy facing behind makes this image for me. I would be delighted if you would add your photography resource to Regards Tony at Geotog


I'd say this is an award winning photograph, down to the little guy looking away! I want to reach in and talk to these men. It's a wonderful capture, Tara!


You have such a gift of catching the energy in people's faces. Very nice indeed.


Love the little tough guys
remind me exactly of the cool dudes haunting the derb in maroc
and always very keen to locate lost cats and do lots of little errands
and wonderfully polite too.
Would love to visit Jordan one day.


Love the attitudes there. Their wives of the future would love this photo, such insight!


Yes, you can see in their faces the men they will become. What an amazing capture, Tara.

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