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« Off to Paris | Main | Our garden by the canal »

12 July 2012



This post brings back delightful memories of our Paris trip. Rick and I placed our lock on the footbridge near the Tuileries/d'Orsay. I loved the idea of leaving a bit of myself in Paris, even though it may be reclaimed by the city bridge patrol one day. How I'd love to do collage with what I am quite certain are very rusty keys at the bottom of the Seine!


They even make locks charming...

Lisa, a.k.a. The Bold Soul

First it was the Pont des Arts with all the locks, now this bridge too!


Absolutely love this. So, so romantic.


I read on another blog recently about these locks. What a romantic thing to do. I must remember if we travel there again, which I do hope to do one day. I will bring a lock with me.


Thanks for the 'lovely' post, Tara. I was thinking of you this morning, and here you are. Sending hugs and well-wishes ...

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