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16 July 2012



I'm so glad I took some moments this afternoon to indulge in blog reading - especially the faithfuls like you who have not given way to only the rat-a-tat-tat rhythm of Facebook or Twitter communication but actually weave words and photographs to tell lovely and poignant stories! Your photographs here have refreshed my heart and mind, and taken me away from the blistering Texas heat that has claimed many of my attempts to surround us with lush foliage. Lucky I also love the starkness of sand and rocks and all that arid climes produce. But today, I was refreshed. Thank you, my Friend.


Beautiful photographs, Tara!


Hi, Neighbor's Cat, I remember you well! Oh, Tara, it's absolutely stunning! Who could have imagined this would be filled with hydrangea/hortensias? Perhaps you knew but oh -- I can't imagine that many of my favorite flower in one spot. I am simply overwhelmed!


Just lovely. Thank you for sharing.

Martha Ann

Beautiful. How nice to have such a lovely garden!

Mary H.

Truly a magical escape in your backyard!

Sheris White

Beautiful flowers and the cat is handsome too!


Beautiful! In recent years I have fallen in love with hydrangeas and your are beautiful. The first flower my grandfather always grew in his garden, so it reminds me of him. Love, love, love seeing your garden and the beautiful canal too. The twilight is wonderful on the canal and water lily's. You must really enjoy this place of peacefulness.


Oh, like a vacation. I could almost smell the blossoms, lovely, lovely.


I didn't know that was Hortensia!! This is really interesting. I wonder if I can grow it here in L.A.


How very lovely, Tara. I've noticed in gardens here and in NC the type of hortensia with the ... constellation ... of full blossoms around the cluster of tiny buds, but I've not seen the red hortensia you show here. Very cool. The water lilies at twilight are a very lovely type of 'cool'. A nice bit of beauty to open the day.

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