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« Parakeets in the snow | Main | Collected. »

23 January 2013


Tara Bradford

Thank you all for your good wishes for my husband's recovery. Happy to report he is doing much better.


Blessings for your husband. I hope he is well again.
Love and hugs Jeanne


So sorry to hear about David's surgery. I hope he is on the mend and all is looking up, and that a full recovery is in the cards, and soon. Your world is clearly a winter wonderland. Be careful out there!

Vanessa {a fanciful twist}

Oh, beautiful snow!

Tara, so many positive thoughts sent your and your husband's way.

Hope all will be perfectly well soon. Here's some friendly support from far away xoxo

Much love, Vanessa


Sending best wishes to your husband for his recovery, and for your well-being, too. A bicyclist on a frozen canal would make me laugh ... good medicine, no?

Lisa, a.k.a. The Bold Soul

So sorry to hear your husband has been ill and had to have surgery, but glad he is improving now. Hope his recovery will be swift and easy! The snow is totally gone in Paris already, but it sure was pretty while it lasted. Looks lovely there in Holland. :)


We too are freezing but no snow.
Minus 27 but dry ground.

I will come visit you when the flowers come!!!
I tire easily of this weather and long to wear skirts again!


I am so happy to hear your dear husband is recuperating. No fun for either of you. The snow and ice is beautiful, but I am sure you will be happy when it is no more and the Spring begins to make an appearance. Sending hugs!

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