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« Cabinet de curiosités | Main | Blanc de blanc »

15 January 2013



It's an Indian Ring-neck - beautiful birds!

Mary H.

The unexpected color in the midst of winter is wonderful. I am fascinated by birds in general and this little chap looks to be very charming. Here in Washington state, we are experiencing a very mild winter season so far.....


When we stayed in Amsterdam a few years ago we were amazed to see the parrots. The hotel where we stayed had a feeder on the patio. How beautiful they are against your garden and snow. Your winter garden is also just beautiful.


What a beautiful burst of color with all that snow! Oh, how that would make me smile! And your canal is lovely in the cold -- really love that train passing. It's cold as all get out here, and they threaten more snow. I hope it's an idle threat!

m a sloan

LOVE these... beautiful!!!!


Just love the unexpectedness of that vivid-coloured parrot against the monochrome snow - fabulous pictures!
We had a beautiful snow day earlier this week in London, but it's all disappeared - hope yours lasts longer!


I have never seen parrots in the snow before...........Thanks for all the beautiful photographs. Our winter has been quite mild here, but as you know I am so anxious for Spring to arrive.
Love and blessings

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