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  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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28 May 2013



Oh, whimper and drool! I'm so jealously happy for you two!!!


What a beautiful place to stay. It does look so peaceful there. Marie-Clare must be all grown up by now. What a treat to spend time with her. How I would love spending time visiting Jane Austen's home and reading two books in one week. It looks like a very special trip.

Mary H.

Tara, you have provided this Anglophile with much-needed sustenance. It is all so wonderful, your words, the photos and browsing in English bookstores, oh my, I need to catch my breath!


Oh, Tara -- how idyllic, rain notwithstanding. You did all the things I would do if I was in this wonderful spot. And how lovely to be in a place called anything "Green." It conjures up the most beautiful images -- all realized in your photos!

Cannot wait to see more!

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