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« The unappreciated. | Main | Edward Snowden: In the hot seat »

07 June 2013



In my naivete I dream of a world of honest, caring people; though I know it is not to be - I dream. But each day I am saddened by those out there that do these things, in stealing from you and others. My heart is heavy for you and others and
I want to solve the wrongs that others so carelessly do. I so
appreciate what you do and share with us. May more battles be won and more ducks survive.


Can certainly understand your feelings. Do not blame you for being discouraged. Wish there were simple solutions but am feeling doubtful.

Meanwhile, I am not happy about the legal collection of personal phone record, emails, etc. in addition to all the other forms of theft/borrowing/data mining out there. I mourn the demise of the last vestiges of privacy.

In a way, we are all as vulnerable as those ducklings...there are always forces bigger out there than what we anticipate or expect.

Mary H.

As I began to read this post your words seemed heavy with despair and weariness. Efforts to fight for what is rightfully yours, I am afraid, have left you exhausted and wanting to "go to ground." You are strong, Tara. Your efforts are admirable. You are truly an inspiration to so very, very many people. I have no clue how to stop the thieves assaulting your creative efforts. I only can offer my support and admiration.

Margaret Dukeman

So well said! I am an artist as well and find this to be totally frustrating...all we want to do is create and these matters take up entirely too much of our time! I wouldn't dream of asking someone to not get paid for their work, therefore, I would love the same courtesy in return. It is always hard for me to figure out at what cost (time and money) I pursue the perpetrators. Hope you have an amazing creative day!


Poor ducklings -- and poor Tara. I'm glad to read in your comment to Bonnie that Typepad is working with you. I'm sure others must be fighting this crusade, but I haven't heard much about them. Bravo to you. I find it especially sad about the conservative religious groups stealing the photos. How hypocritical.

Tara Bradford

Bonnie, Typepad was doing some work on my site, to help me install more code to dampen enthusiasm of the photo-hijackers. That's why the banner was temporarily down. Thanks for noticing!


{{ oh oh ...
i have so much to say
upon arriving here
i find this afternoon
you have no header whatsoever, tara ...
no banner
across the top
no blog name or wonderful photo ...

has anyone told you this ??
oh dear !!

did thieves in the night
strike upon your banner ??
could it just be me
who cannot see it ??
what what what??

i will check back later ... }}

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