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27 July 2013



I want that kitchen. I want it lots and I want it now! (And I love every photo in that post!).

And I couldn't agree more about the Snowden irony!

Mary H.

Love the cottage photos-they make me sit back and smile each time I look at them. The descent of even local politics to new depths is truly mind numbing. Matters only seem to get worse as one travels up the political food chain. So very disappointing on so many different levels.


Gorgeous photos! That sink is so wonderful...I almost wouldn't mind doing dishes! And the boat photos are so lovely, too.

Politics: Have given up hope for myriad reasons. Very sad. Everything we learned growing up is now being negated and the mood is just plain uncivil even here in New England which I thought was the last bastion of civility.


Yes, so disappointing!
And people wonder why we are hated in so many other places in the world.
Love the summertime photos!


Postcard perfect and a breath of fresh air, Tara. Wonderful! Today I am letting go of the PS information, *sigh*. Politics will always disppoint me.

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