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Tara Bradford Photography

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Member since 01/2006

« On Mother's Day, gratitude. | Main | Once in a blue moon... »

21 June 2015



What a gorgeous photo and wonderful sentiment!

You are in my thoughts, too. xx


A beautiful photo and reminder in your words and image not to veer off the path.

Mary H.


I have thought of you so often and kept you in my heart as you chart a new course (I suffered through a had major computer crash and lost all my addresses-everything thus I could not write). I love that photo of your dad! His eyes are smiling too.

Hugs to you.


You have popped into my head several times over the past few days and I was going to mail you. Glad you posted. I hope your dad is faring well. What a wonderful thing to be able to say about your dad.

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