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Tara Bradford Photography

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« Remembering the brave... | Main | Always Paris... »

12 November 2015


Mary H.

It is always good to see your posts, Tara.

Visiting the English countryside by train is on my bucket list. There is a bit of mysticism involved with trains. What fun the original Orient Express may have been! Perhaps someday you will share more David stories with us.

Think of you so often. I truly hope you are finding peace.


Mary H.


Oh Tara, what a joy to have the special memories. And what a beautiful and adventurous thing to remember. I've never been on a steam train, I don't think. To journey through the beautiful English countryside with someone you love would be simply unforgettable.

You have been recently in our thoughts. Rick and I too will share our memories of David today. Our "library" is not nearly so large as yours but the memories are indeed very sweet.

Sending hugs.


These photos are wonderful! It is good to see your work today. Was thinking of you a day or so ago and hoping that you are doing well. I know you must miss David so much. Sending you a hug.

Kate Watson-Smyth

Thinking of you today, with much love, Kate x

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