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  • Writer. Photographer. Activist. Poet. Editor. Collector. Searching for truth and beauty.
Tara Bradford Photography

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21 January 2016


Vicki in Michigan

I never understood the allure of hydrangeas until some were planted outside our library. I walked by the library on my way to work, and I took the opportunity to really look at them, over the seasons.

There is so much more going on than that bunch of whiteness.....

Love your frosty images.

Thank you for being a role model for intrepid travel. It's good to know that others feel trepidation, press forward through it, and are glad they did.


Oh so lovely to see you here. I am happy that you had a good trip to Stockholm and are still seeking the light. Your photos of the hydrangeas are just wonderful. Keep searching for the light and do it anyway, even through the fear.

These photographs are exquisite!

The holidays are so tough with loss and family illnesses going on. Visiting Stockholm was brave. You have made it through a very difficult time and come out the other side and even brought us back a bit of the beauty you saw.

Thinking of you as always and proud of you for getting through these months. Sending you wishes for a brighter new year and happy travels.

xx Helen

Allegra Smith

So good to know you are well. Grief is like the tide, it comes and goes and it brings with it tears, but some times smiles with the memories.

A very serene, prosperous and comforting new year to you. I am here as always and almost where I am ready to open the blog again. The operative word here being almost.

Decided to sell the house, too big for me, McKenzie and Aliah, we don't need much space and someone else will probably enjoy the gardens and the little orchard out back. Haven't decided yet if I will move back to Europe but if a certain person gets elected here the decision will be made for me.

Love your photos as always. Be well dear friend, nice to hear from you.



Blessings and much love to you dear one.
Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Jeanne

Mary H.

How wonderful it is to see a post from you, Tara! While I may be somewhat presumptuous I feel as I have received a note from a faraway friend. Paris Parfait has indeed been missed.

Mary H.

Ooooh, more pictures and adventures from Sweden please.

Margaret Dukeman

So glad you are back to your blog! I so enjoy seeing your photos and living an international life vicariously through you. I also have a parent that has been in and out of care facilities and hospitals for the last almost 5 years and it is so very hard but like you I look at things more closely looking for fine details in the most unusual of places like the decaying flowers. Being an artist also, I tend to create and explore and am usually able to find solace and joy in it. Peace to you in the new year!


The heart sings just a little bit louder when a post from Tara appears. Welcome back, my friend. I will be in longer response off blog a bit later but for now just let me say how much I love those enigmatic leaves and flowers and welcome you "home" to the world of blog!


So glad to see your posts and photos again. I will follow you on Instagram. Have decided to lock the doors on the Egypt flat and move on as well. Do hope this will be a good year for both of us.

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